How To Build Home Theater Columns? [Learn The Process]

How To Build Home Theater Columns

Thinking of building a home theater all on your own? That sounds like a great idea! But are you indecisive about how exactly to go through the process? I completely understand your dilemma as I have been through this. I know making a home theater is not so easy. Especially when it comes to measuring, cutting, and building the home theater columns, it was super challenging!

I have made mistakes but eventually learned to make home theater columns. The hardest part was to measure each part and cut them identically to one another. But with practice, I have improved my skills. In this article, I will not only share the process of building a home theater column but also tell my experience. This will take you through my journey so that you can assume yours!

This article intends to make the procedure simple and accurate for you. So without further discussion, let’s start learning how to build home theater columns.

7 Easy Steps To Build Home Theater Columns: The Best Way To Do It 

I have divided the process into several parts so that you can make the process easier. In this part of the article, I will mention the steps of making a home theater column. I have tried to make it as detailed as possible so that you don’t miss out on anything. 

All set? Let’s start then!

Step 1: Start With Cutting The MDF Boards

You would need four MDF boards of ¾ inch thickness for this project. First, cut them straight from the middle so that they become handier to work with. It may be around 2.5 inches wide. Use a circular saw to do all the cutting as it makes the task accurate and effortless. Also, a ½ inch MDF sheet will be needed.

Now you have eight sections of MDF boards. To start with, you have to cut the face frames from one of these boards that will be about 2 inches wide. Next, trim the side columns of 8.5 inches. To make sure that the measurements are the same for all the sections, you can use a measurement tape. But there is another way of doing it precisely. 

If you work on two boards and place them together on the circular saw, at least these two pieces will be the same as each other. So you can work on two boards at the same time to make the measurement accurate. This trick helps! Because at least the two sides of one column won’t be dissimilar if you follow this. Hence, with that, basic cuttings are done!

Step 2: Cut The Angles Next

The top area of the columns is angled. While some are pieced at 90-degree angles, others are sliced in 30, 60, or even 120, 150-degree angles. These angled pieces go around the upper area of the column and the sides of the column. 

First, position the table saw at a 30-degree angle. Now is the turn to cut the side frames at the same angle. So place all the six frames on the table at the same time and cut them all at a 30-degree angle. 

For the top frame, cut the boards in 1.5 inches width. Cut the top plate of the same width which is 5 inches high. But for this process, use a miter gauge and then trim them on the table saw. Because determining the angle with a table saw can be troublesome. Once you make one piece correctly, you can use it to cut the other pieces. 

Step 3: Make The Frame

The hardest part is done! You have measured and sliced the pieces of MDF as precisely as possible. Congrats on that! Now, let’s make the frame now attaching the pieces you have made. 

A common method of attaching these pieces is to use the pocket screwing method. But if you are using an MDF board for the process, this may crack the board due to the drilling pressure. I have made this mistake and solved it too! Instead of screwing, I glued the MDF boards and clamped them together to eliminate the risk of cracking. 

Another benefit is that there remains a sign of screwing on the frame. It looks more presentable if you glue the parts. With the long MDF section, attach the top panels you have made and create the frame. 

Step 4: Angle The Side Columns

After making the frame, check if the top panel is angled properly to the top of the frame or not. Then, you have to cut the side panels in 30 or 60-degree angles so that the top panel sits on them perfectly. 

Measure the angle properly at one corner of the side panel. Draw a line across the angle and then use a circular saw to cut the panels at that angle. Use a flush cutting bit to shape the angle precisely if needed. 

Step 5: Paint The Sections

Before you start assembling the pieces, I would advise you that you paint the panels. Painting is way easier when the pieces are not attached. 

Use a primer on the pieces so that the paint becomes long-lasting. Then apply black latex paint on the MDF pieces. The preparation doesn’t end here! You now need to paint the boards white. The primer + black base + white base makes the paint last for a long time and prevents the MDF panels from being damaged. 

Now, you can apply a red gel stain with a painting brush on the panels. Put a thin coating on the panels to leave a smooth finish. The oil-based red paint settles very well and gives a glossy look to the panels. 

Step 6: Make And Attach The Shelves

First, place the two side panels you have cut in a position in which you would place them on the wall. Then measure the gap between the two panels in which you would place the shelves. This measurement should be used for making the shelves. 

Cut the dados and trim them. Shape them carefully so that they are of the same width and thickness. Now glue and clamp the shelves inside the columns the same way you have attached the top panel to the face frame on the top. 

Step 7: Assemble The Pieces

The final task is to attach all the parts. After you install the shelves inside the column, nail the face frame on the side panels of the column. 

Then shape the mirror according to the size of the shelves. The mirror would be of the same width. For cutting, take a trimmer to pave a line on the mirror and snap it open. Next, you have to paint one side of the mirror black. Similarly, paint the back panel of the column black so that no gaps can be noticed (in case there is any gap). Lastly, frame the mirror with 2-inch wide MDF panels and attach it as the lower door of the column. 

Into the face frame, there goes a wrapping of Scotts landscape fabric that makes up the door of the column. Fold the fabric around the frame and nail it. Now place the wrapped frame into the front panel of the column (upper part). 

So now the doors are ready, all the parts are attached, you can place the column across the walls of the room. Finally, you would need to drill through each shelf for the cables to go inside. The bottom shelf would need a large hole for all the wires and cables to pass through. It would be better if you do it before installing the shelves. However, though it’s staying inside, no one’s going to notice it anyway!

Benefits Of Building Home Theater Columns:

Okay, so you have learned the basics of making a home theater column. But is it mandatory to have home theater columns? The straight answer is it is not mandatory to have a home theater column. Your home theater can still function well with the home theater columns. 

Then why would you invest your time in making one, right? Because your home theater experience will be more delightful and happening with the columns. Besides that, there are some additional benefits of using home theater columns. Let’s have a look at the benefits of using home theater columns: 

  • The first reason to have a home theater column is to receive top-notch sound quality. No matter how good the sound system is, the sound seems noisy and raw without the column. When the sound passes the fabric and then reaches the room, it gives a more realistic output. More like an actual theater!
  • Another reason to have a column is to hide the speakers and enhance the aesthetic of the home theater. With all the cables and large speakers in the room and walls, the look of the home theater is ruined. Just as you can’t see the speakers in a theater, the home theater columns help you to get the same look and feel. Therefore, for aesthetic purposes of the entire room, home theater columns play a big role;
  • The last benefit of using a home theater column is that you get extra storage in it. For keeping the cables, remotes, speakers, and other devices of the home theater, you can use the shelves inside the column. With this storage, you can achieve a more professional look in the room to get the actual feel of the theater;

Therefore, though it is not mandatory to install home theater columns, adding it can benefit you in many ways. So consider it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Much Does It Cost To Make Home Theater Columns?

You can make home theater columns at a very minimal cost. The main investments are on the MDF boards, primer, paints, fabric, and glue. The rest of the tools like a circular saw, grid, etc. can be rented from a shop for the project. 

Adding the cost of the MDF boards, primer, paint, fabric, and glue, making home theater columns may cost around $200- $300. This is the approximate range in which you can buy all the necessary materials for the project.

Other than that, the tools should be rented if you don’t have them. The cost varies depending on the brand you are buying from, the quality of the materials, and the amount you are buying. 

Is Making A Home Theater Column Worth It? 

Considering the aesthetic value and storage facilities of home theater columns, I would say making a home theater column is worth it. The investment truly enhances the home theater experience. 

Not only does a home theater column beautify the entire look of the home theater but also improves the sound quality. With the filtration, it simply gives a realistic sound effect. Also, the shelves provide storage where you can safely store the devices.

The cables and speakers are kept hidden inside these giving a pro-level look. Thus I think it is fair enough to invest in making a home theater column especially when you can make it by yourself. 

Does Home Theater Add Value To The Home? 

Having a home theater is not only installed for an excellent movie experience but also commercial reasons. The first reason is it adds value to your house. 

With a home theater in the house, you can claim a rise in the price to your clients. A home theater changes the look of the house giving a posh and luxurious look. You can expect to get around 50 to 65% money from your investment in creating the home theater.

Though it is less than your investment, the overall value of the house spikes up. So yes, a home theater increases the resale value of the home. 

Final Thoughts: 

I have simplified the process of making a home theater column. If you are a DIY lover, I believe you can do this task in a few hours or a day. I would recommend having home theater columns and remodeling your home theater with this little task. 

Ready to kickstart the project? All the very best!

M Monerujjaman

Hi, I'm M Monerujjaman, The Author of Daily Living Home, have been working in the field of home renovation and interior decoration for years and mastered the best techniques to keep a house well-decorated, clean, and tiptop. This is my field of expertise and passion. On that note, I have established this website to pass on my experience and knowledge in reforming the home of your dream.

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